Frequently Asked Questions

The answer to many questions can be found here, sorted by subject.  Click on a category to see the answers to the questions we receive most often.  If you have a question that is not addressed here, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Getting Started

Click the Subscribe Now button and you will be taken to our order page. Enter the required information, including payment details and click Submit. We will process your order and send an email with your login and temporary password.

All plans are automatically charged to your credit card on the first day of the month. When you subscribe, the first charge to your credit card will be pro-rated to the last day of either the current month for monthly subscriptions or the last day of the twelfth month for annual subscriptions. An email notification will be sent 10 days prior to charges to your credit card according to the type of subscription, monthly or annual. Additional Resources that are added to the Advanced subscription will be charged in the same manner as the current billing status.

The designated Administrator of the subscription may cancel the subscription by contacting Customer Service or using the option provided in the Market Place section of the system. The subscription will terminate on the day of the next scheduled payment. Subscription information and data linked to your subscription will be maintained and saved for ninety (90) days, after which all data connected with the subscription will be deleted.

FormsTrackR is a hosted platform, so there is nothing to install. Once your subscription is approved, you will receive an email with your login username and temporary password. Simply go to the home page at using your preferred browser and click the Login button in the upper right corner. Enter your username and password and you will be taken to your new system’s Dashboard.

Basic Plan

The Basic Plan is designed as a starting point for FormsTrackR subscribers. It includes all the tools and features of the FormsTrackR system.

The Basic Plan includes all FormsTrackR resources, where you can add and manage permissions for Associates, build forms with a drag-and-drop interface, create the QR Codes/Buttons necessary to control access to the forms, and build and deliver reports with the Report Writer.

Your administrator can go to the Dashboard Menu and click on Administration. There will be a link to 'Market Place' and then to ‘Upgrade Subscription’. Click that link and the option to upgrade your current plan will be displayed.

If you have an Advanced Plan, your Dashboard includes a Market Place link where you can see available options and pricing. Simply select the Resources you need, and the pricing tool will display the cost. The additional cost will be prorated for the balance of the payment plan term. Your account will be charged for this incremental cost when you place your order. Your monthly or annual billing will automatically be updated for the next billing cycle thereafter.

QR Codes

QR Codes/Buttons are used to present your forms to gather information. FormsTrackR can use a single QR Code/Button to allow the public to access one form while Associates see a different form. This is the public/private feature that makes the system so powerful.

FormsTrackR's QR codes are system generated. You then have the option to use the QR Code/Button link or print the QR codes as labels for scanning.


FormsTrackR digital forms capture information from the public, from clients and/or from staff. The forms are intelligent because, unlike paper forms, they can be precisely tailored to accept input in the exact manner you wish to receive it. Additionally, unlike paper forms, our forms are the starting point for automating notifications, processing that data, and reporting your information without the need to manually key in the data.

FormsTrackR gives you the ability to decide who can access a particular form. The typical use is for your staff to enter information about what they are doing such as servicing a piece of equipment, taking inventory, etc. This is the private side use of forms. There is also the ability to make forms available for data input from the public at large or from clients. This is the public side use of a form.

That's easy! FormsTrackR includes a powerful drag-and-drop form creation tool that enables you to add the types of information fields you need in any order you want. Most of the fields include the ability to format the responses exactly how you need them. You can start from scratch, or you can select one of the many form templates that are included to help speed up the process.


Automation is the heart of FormsTrackR. Here are some of the things you can automate:

  • Notifications to selected contacts by email, text, or the FormsTrackR app that a form has been submitted.
  • Distribution of submitted information to anyone who needs to act upon it or monitor it until the activities associated with it have been completed.
  • Creation of reports from submitted data.
  • Distribution of scheduled reports to specific contacts, and…
  • Much more.

Sometimes automation is as simple as designating the individuals that should be updated when a particular submission is received. The real magic of FormsTrackR starts when you use its logical tools to process information based on a set of instructions that match the way you work and the way you need information reported.

One quick example can illustrate this. A security guard checks every door, window, staircase and elevator. The guard scans a QR code at each location and submits the form using his smart phone. You want to know two things. Did he miss checking anything and did he find any security issues? With the FormsTrackR Report Writer logic, the data he sends can be processed to report only exceptions, (such as areas that were missed) and any issues found. That's the power of FormsTrackR in action.

User Management

In FormsTrackR, users are classified in categories:

  • Administrator: Has access to all FormsTrackR features and functions. Grants permission to other individuals on an as-needed basis.
  • Associates: Individuals who have been granted permission by the Administrator to log into the FormsTrackR app and other system functions and features. By using the FormsTrackR app, Associates have access to forms designated as Private.
  • Contacts: Individuals who are chosen to receive certain form responses and reports. They do not have access to the FormsTrackR app or system.
  • Users: Individuals that can use the forms designated as Public.

No. You may add them individually, but you can import them using a CSV file. The Help Menu has a support document that shows you how to do this.


We have several types of support. Your Dashboard has a link to an extensive Help index, grouped in convenient categories. You may also watch a large list of how-to videos there. Both options provide a search function to help you quickly find what you want to learn. For questions that aren't answered there, we have a Live Chat option that is available during business hours (Pacific time zone). Lastly, you can send a support email request or call us.

Yes. We will gladly help you with a walkthrough of the Dashboard basics and a general introduction to the FormsTrackR system.

We encourage you to take advantage of the help files and videos before you call for additional help. They usually answer most questions, but with the power of FormsTrackR, we understand that they may not be enough.

For this reason, we will assist you with your projects with one hour of consulting time as part of your initial introduction to the system. Additional consulting time can be purchased in blocks of time or on a project basis.