What Our Clients Say About FormsTrackR

The value of FormsTrackR is best expressed by our valued clients.

Phenomenal Time Savings

The process of inventorying and ordering janitorial supplies often took up to 1-1/2 hours each week. With FormsTrackR, we complete the inventory in 10 minutes, and our reports automatically create the order, based on predetermined restocking points and ordering units. This proved the value of FormsTrackR for us.

Ed Haak, Property Manager

6060 Building

Contributed to a More Effective Workflow

The QR Code system, in particular, has enabled us to quickly and accurately access vital information, reducing the time spent on manual data entry and minimizing errors. This has not only enhanced our efficiency but also contributed to a more effective workflow.

Brent Estes
Century Commercial Service

HVAC Maintenance on Autopilot

We maintain 50 air handlers for our office building. By converting to FormsTrackR from a spreadsheet that we had to manually check, we now get automated reports on the first day of each month that tell us exactly which units require routine maintenance, what filters are required, and a confirmation that no units were missed.

Rich Maddalena
6060 Office Building

A Valuable Security Tracking Tool

Before FormsTrackR, we spent hours accumulating and formatting reports from personnel. FormsTrackR saves us hours in data analysis. It provides us with information on types of criminal activity and locations. This is invaluable information in allocating resources and tracking the effectiveness of our security personnel.

Kathilynn Carpenter, Executive Director
Sunrise MarketPlace

Reduces our environmental footprint

By enabling us to transition towards a paperless environment, your application not only streamlines our operations but also significantly reduces our environmental footprint.


David R. Luera, Operations & Maintenance Manager

Public Works Dept